WHO strategy on hand hygiene is viable and sustainable
The WHO strategy for improving hand hygiene is easily applied by health workers, according to a new study published in Lancet Infectious Diseases. The health care related infections are a major threat to patient safety worldwide, and its transmission in such settings occurs mainly via the hands of healthcare workers.
The WHO strategy was carried out in 55 departments of 43 hospitals in various countries around the world over a period of two years. During this time the observance of best practices increased from 51% before starting the study to 67% after complete it and the infrastructure and staff skills also improved significantly at all sites.
The health care related infections are caused by germs that transmit health professionals to patients when touched. The most common are those affecting the urinary tract, surgical infections, pneumonia and blood infections caused by multi-resistant germs such as methicillin-resistant (MRSA) S. aureus. Of 100 hospitalized patients, they acquire a healthcare-related at least 7 infection in developed countries and 10 in developing countries.
Prevention and infection control is one of the basic policy pillars identified by the WHO to combat the increasingly serious problem of antimicrobial resistance.
The Future of the Parenteral Nutrition is here with Kabiven of Fresenius Kabi
At a time when patients are sensitive in the intensive care unit or elsewhere, parenteral nutrition contributes to the patient intravenously basic nutrients needed to restore the quality of life. Substances supplied for food should provide all the energy and nutrients required.
In that sense when a person is unable to feed herself, you should use alternative methods that will allow you to receive essential salts, sugars, amino acids, vitamins... safe and suitable for your metabolism regardless of the symptoms presented and thus thereby to recover, then is the time where should only be given Kabiven of Fresenius Kabi®.
It is a noble, friendly product with the environment, made with 100% recyclable and biodegradable materials, which has won numerous international awards for its environmental attributes, and may last up to two years at room temperature and still maintain stability unaltered.
Kabiven® belongs to the group of medicines called Solutions IV for premixed parenteral nutrition, as already mentioned. It can be used in adults and children over 2 years old, when oral or enteral nutrition (Fresenius of Fresubin Kabi®) is impossible, insufficient or in the rarely cases that is contraindicated.
Guerbet adquiere Mallinckrodt.
Aiming to create a new global leader in medical imaging, Guerbet multinational announced that it had signed a definitive agreement under which it will acquire Contrast Media Systems and Business Administration from Mallinckrodt ("CMDS").
Guerbet is a company of French origin, a pioneer in the field of contrast media, with almost 90 years of experience in the global market, the only pharmaceutical group dedicated to the field of medical imaging worldwide. Offers a wide range of X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Interventional Radiology, injectors and medical devices related to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients.
Mallinckrodt, in turn, is an American company, a global biopharmaceutical specializes in medical imaging business that develops, manufactures, markets and distributes specialty pharmaceuticals, contrast media and images.
Yves L'Epine, Guerbet CEO, commented on the business operation conducted by these multinationals: "This acquisition transforms and motorized Guerbets future: turnover doubles, can expand our geographic footprint and complement the offer both in contrast media and solutions and imaging services. We would be very pleased to welcome our colleagues CMDS Mallinckrodt to realize a successful and fast integration process and then start together the way to creating a new global leader in medical imaging ".
The acquisition also comes at a time of historic fortress of Guerbet. This company currently has a sound financial position and the rapid reduction of debt in the last three years, the Group is well positioned for best results in an operation of this magnitude.

Hospifar logistics center expands its fleet of delivery vehicles
The new and modern inventory facilities optimization and mass distribution of Hospifar Group products and its leader company Hospifar SRL, are strategically located in the vicinity of the Autopista Duarte in Santo Domingo Oeste. The same are equipped with all the necessary equipment for the proper and efficient management of medicines and medical supplies in the country, according to its vice president Mr. Tomás Lebrón Barroso
An infrastructure area with more than 10,000 square meters in superficie of warehouses stored our exemplary logistics center ,model in the country in its area, equipped with the largest fleet of vehicles in the market, some 23 in total including trucks, vans, short beds and large beds as well as buses and vans properly identified to ensure immediate deliveries on all over the country.
Hospifar, is the first supplier firm of healthcare products have been certified by the International Standards Secure Trade BASC, in our logistic center and corporate offices (DOMSDQ00108-1-4), a fact that consolidates our position as the best and most reliable service in the market.
We are also certified in Good Storage Practices by the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance (MISPAS), reasons that ensure the quality and reliability of drugs and / or equipment supply, security of delivery and excellence in results of the services we provide.

Massive participation in the Hospifar stand in the Plaza de la Salud journey

The general hospital Plaza de la Salud, always taking care of you, hold its XIII International Scientific Journal 2015, developed by the theme "Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases and their impact on Global Health", celebrated from March 19 until 21 in the facilities of the Conference Center Dr. Bienvenido Delgado Billini, of this health center in the Dominican capital.
In the event they were developed 21 lectures and two panels by six international exhibitors and 19 Dominicans. The scientific event on Friday began with a speech by Dr. Julio Castaños, President of the patronage from the General Hospital Plaza de la Salud.
We are your best choices of products for health care. Tirelessly we seek to satisfy our customers with the finest care and best offers on the market. We represent the best and most famous global brands.

Hospifar, as a sponsor, had a massive participation of the Sales and Marketing deparments, who from the first day attended to support the conference. The Hospifar stand was located in a strategic spot, just in the main entrance of the building, reason which was attended by distinguished personalities in the area of health, including Dr. Nepomuceno Mejia, Medical Director of the Plaza de la Salud. We congratulate the HGPS for this great event and we wish many more successes on.

Therapy Systems Adaptable to hospital Care Units
The Infusion Technology Division of the Fresenius Kabi company with over 100 years in the global market has developed positively Systems of Infusion Therapy to improve the quality of care offered by the health personnel in a innovative way, safe and efficacy to the patients and users, guaranteeing a rapid recovery and quality of life during their treatment of correctly Intravenous Therapy with the highest international quality standards.
Optima MS, is the Volumetric Therapy Infusions System more adaptable to any hospital care unit and outpatients been its principal characteristic the safety in the Infusion Therapy.
Optima MS, it has the broadest portfolio of infusion lines for each therapy according to your requirement: solutions, limited and controlled volumes, intravenous medications, photosensitive drugs, parenteral nutrition, blood components and chemotherapy, among others.
Optima MS, can be used in hospital spaces such as Internal Medicine, Critical Care, Oncology, Cardiology, Post-surgical, pediatrics, maternity, neonatology, Outpatient, Transitional chemotherapy rooms, surgery, anesthesia, emergency and emergency hydration rooms, among many other uses.
With the use of Infusions System Technology Optima MS from Fresenius Kabi you can obtain : A significant decrease in the workload for health workers, ease in use, fast placement of infusion lines, security and precise control in the infusion, precise configuration and adaptability to hospital care units. All these facilities are supplied in HOSPIFAR available for the entire territory of the Dominican Republic and Caribbean countries.

Hospifar Group Celebrates its First Meeting of Union

In order to fellowship and further strengthen the bonds of brotherhood between all members of the companies to the business, the First Meeting of the Union of Hospifar Group was celebrated.
The event was celebrated at the facilities of the Softball play at the Club of the Central Bank in the city of Santo Domingo. A number of sports activities were offered to attendees who actively participated according to their preferences Softball League and Domino.
The joy was the common denominator of that afternoon where each team was encouraged at its finest by effusive fans. The meeting was attended by all employees and senior executives of companies.
The opening words were spoken by Mr. Rafael Perez Barroso, who proclaimed an emotional speech to all the staff with the central objective of promoting inter-connection of the most assertive way. Dr. Maria del Carmen Barroso was the sponsor of the event and the opening prayer was made by Mr. Augusto Green. In the activity the teams: "Leaders of the Office" and "Collected Warehouse” met in two exciting consecutive games.

The teams were draws for the winner in each confrontation. The activity ended in the evening hours, at which time the memorial were delivered to members of the winning team medals and recognition to the most valuable player, Mr. Ernesto Martijena respectively.
With this meeting was proven once again the famous phrase: "In union there is strength."